The 2nd Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education 2022
Post-Pandemic Life from Economic, Business, Tourism, and Education Perspectives

LePALISSHE will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2022 virtually through Zoom meetings.
The Organizing Committee of LePALISSHE 2022 cordially invites scholars, researchers, students, and related stakeholders from Indonesia and overseas to participate in the conference by presenting papers or simply being attendees (listeners) in the conference held by Lekantara.
This conference will be held in English and Indonesian. All papers must be written in English.
The objective of the conference is to disseminate knowledge, innovative ideas, and recent developments in the field of Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education. The participants come from various educational backgrounds, regions, and countries. The participants shall share research results, academic experiences, and innovative ideas, as well as build networks for future collaboration opportunities.
The conference covers the following fields: Accounting, Business, Communication, Economics, Education, Finance, Government, International Relations, Law, Librarianship and Information, Management, Political Science, Public Administration, Public Policy, Religious Studies, Social Science, and Sociology
A. Keynote Speakers
Governor of Jakarta Special Region, Indonesia
Governor of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
B. Plenary Speakers
Voronezh State Agrarian University, Russia
Director of South East Asian Ministers of Education (SEAMEO) Secretariat at Bangkok, Thailand
Researcher of Tourism, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata (STP) Mataram, Indonesia
Executive Assistant to the President Professor Graduate School of Business Administration of Kobe University, Japan
Call for Paper | : June 1 until October 22, 2022 |
Paper Acceptance Information | : Within 10 working days after paper submission |
Payment Deadline | : Within 15 working days after paper acceptance information |
Conference Date | : October 29, 2022 |
- Author(s) have the chance to select one of the following publication outlets for their manuscripts with their own respective advantages and disadvantages:
Publication Outlet Journals International Proceedings Scope of Topic Specific General Initial Selection Very tight Moderate of Lower Duration of Review 3-6 months in average 14 work days Review Difficulty More Complicated Much Less Complicated Publishing Schedule 3 months -1 year 2-3 months Acceptance Rate 10-20% 60-65% - The publication outlets we provide are the followings:
Journals International Proceedings - Global Business and Economics Review (Q3)
- International Journal of Education and Practice (Q3)
- World Leisure Journal (Q3)
Proceedings of the 2nd Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education (LePALISSHE) published by EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) - Prior to submission to the selected outlet, the Organizing Committee will do an initial checking to all submitted manuscripts as part of our quality control process.
- Papers
- Paper submitted will be reviewed by the Organizing Committee for its content and language use. Author(s) will accept information related to paper acceptance within 10 working days after paper submission along with the revision note, if any.
- Papers submitted must be written under the following structure: abstract, introduction, literature review, research method, findings and discussions, conclusions and recommendations, and reference. Details related to paper can be downloaded below.
- Proceedings of the 2nd Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education (LePALISSHE) published by EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) and will be submitted for inclusion in major indexing services, such as Scopus and ISI Web of Science.
There will be two types of participants in this conference.
A. Presenter(s)
Presenter(s), or author(s), refer to an individual or a group of individuals writing and presenting a paper based on the guidelines set by the Organizing Committee. There is no limitation in the number of presenter(s) or author(s).
B. Listeners
Listeners are individuals interested in attending the conference without presenting or writing a paper.
All payment must be sent to the following bank account: Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) 7811111168 of PT. Lentera Akademika Nusantara.
- Bank transfer code 451
Registration Fee |
FREE for everyone |
Publication Outlet | Indonesian Author | Foreign Author |
Proceedings of the 2nd Lekantara Annual Conference on Public Administration, Literature, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education (LePALISSHE) published by EAI (European Alliance for Innovation) | IDR 1,650,000 per paper | USD 160 per paper |
Journals (as listed) | Following the publication rate set by the journals* |
*) If authors choose to submit their paper to the journals listed by the Organizing Committee, there will be additional fee of IDR 550,000 (USD 50) for the paper formatting service and submission to the selected journal.
No | Type of Services | Rate* |
1 | Translation | Starts from IDR 500,000 (USD 50) per paper |
2 | Proofreading | Starts from IDR 500,000 (USD 50) per paper |
3 | Paper formatting | Starts from IDR 500,000 (USD 10) per paper |
4 | Mendeley citation | Starts from IDR 50,000 (USD 5) per paper |
5 | TurnItIn | Starts from IDR 50,000 (USD 5) per paper |
*) The rate only applies to papers submitted to Lepalisshe 2022
For more information on the services we provide, chat
The following is the proceeding of LePALISSHE 2021